Expand description

Abstractions for creating io::Write instances.


Implements std::io::Write for an Arc where &W: Write.
A writer that erases the specific io::Write and MakeWriter types being used.
A type implementing io::Write for a MutexGuard where the type inside the Mutex implements io::Write.
Combines a MakeWriter that returns an OptionalWriter with another MakeWriter, so that the second MakeWriter is used when the first MakeWriter returns OptionalWriter::none.
Combines two types implementing MakeWriter (or std::io::Write) to produce a writer that writes to both MakeWriter’s returned writers.
A writer intended to support libtest’s output capturing for use in unit tests.
A MakeWriter combinator that wraps a MakeWriter with a predicate for span and event Metadata, so that the MakeWriter::make_writer_for method returns OptionalWriter::some when the predicate returns true, and OptionalWriter::none when the predicate returns false.
A MakeWriter combinator that only returns an enabled writer for spans and events with metadata at or below a specified verbosity Level.
A MakeWriter combinator that only returns an enabled writer for spans and events with metadata at or above a specified verbosity Level.


A writer that is one of two types implementing io::Write.


A type that can create io::Write instances.
Extension trait adding combinators for working with types implementing MakeWriter.

Type Definitions

A writer which may or may not be enabled.