pub fn wrap<'a, Opt>(text: &str, width_or_options: Opt) -> Vec<Cow<'_, str>>where
Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
Expand description
Wrap a line of text at a given width.
The result is a vector of lines, each line is of type Cow<'_, str>
, which means that the line will borrow from the input
if possible. The lines do not have trailing whitespace,
including a final '\n'
. Please use the fill
function if you
need a String
The easiest way to use this function is to pass an integer for
use textwrap::wrap;
let lines = wrap("Memory safety without garbage collection.", 15);
assert_eq!(lines, &[
"Memory safety",
"without garbage",
If you need to customize the wrapping, you can pass an Options
instead of an usize
use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
let options = Options::new(15)
.initial_indent("- ")
.subsequent_indent(" ");
let lines = wrap("Memory safety without garbage collection.", &options);
assert_eq!(lines, &[
"- Memory safety",
" without",
" garbage",
" collection.",
Optimal-Fit Wrapping
By default, wrap
will try to ensure an even right margin by
finding breaks which avoid short lines. We call this an
“optimal-fit algorithm” since the line breaks are computed by
considering all possible line breaks. The alternative is a
“first-fit algorithm” which simply accumulates words until they no
longer fit on the line.
As an example, using the first-fit algorithm to wrap the famous Hamlet quote “To be, or not to be: that is the question” in a narrow column with room for only 10 characters looks like this:
To be, or
not to be:
that is
Notice how the second to last line is quite narrow because “question” was too large to fit? The greedy first-fit algorithm doesn’t look ahead, so it has no other option than to put “question” onto its own line.
With the optimal-fit wrapping algorithm, the previous lines are shortened slightly in order to make the word “is” go into the second last line:
To be,
or not to
be: that
is the
Please see WrapAlgorithm
for details on the choices.
The returned iterator yields lines of type Cow<'_, str>
. If
possible, the wrapped lines will borrow from the input string. As
an example, a hanging indentation, the first line can borrow from
the input, but the subsequent lines become owned strings:
use std::borrow::Cow::{Borrowed, Owned};
use textwrap::{wrap, Options};
let options = Options::new(15).subsequent_indent("....");
let lines = wrap("Wrapping text all day long.", &options);
let annotated = lines
.map(|line| match line {
Borrowed(text) => format!("[Borrowed] {}", text),
Owned(text) => format!("[Owned] {}", text),
"[Borrowed] Wrapping text",
"[Owned] ....all day",
"[Owned] ....long.",
Leading and Trailing Whitespace
As a rule, leading whitespace (indentation) is preserved and trailing whitespace is discarded.
In more details, when wrapping words into lines, words are found by splitting the input text on space characters. One or more spaces (shown here as “␣”) are attached to the end of each word:
"Foo␣␣␣bar␣baz" -> ["Foo␣␣␣", "bar␣", "baz"]
These words are then put into lines. The interword whitespace is
preserved, unless the lines are wrapped so that the "Foo␣␣␣"
word falls at the end of a line:
use textwrap::wrap;
assert_eq!(wrap("Foo bar baz", 10), vec!["Foo bar", "baz"]);
assert_eq!(wrap("Foo bar baz", 8), vec!["Foo", "bar baz"]);
Notice how the trailing whitespace is removed in both case: in the
first example, "bar␣"
becomes "bar"
and in the second case
becomes "Foo"
Leading whitespace is preserved when the following word fits on the first line. To understand this, consider how words are found in a text with leading spaces:
"␣␣foo␣bar" -> ["␣␣", "foo␣", "bar"]
When put into lines, the indentation is preserved if "foo"
on the first line, otherwise you end up with an empty line:
use textwrap::wrap;
assert_eq!(wrap(" foo bar", 8), vec![" foo", "bar"]);
assert_eq!(wrap(" foo bar", 4), vec!["", "foo", "bar"]);